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Do you know that as long as the water pipes of the house are more than 3 years, whether it is iron pipe or PVC pipe, there are dirt and various bacteria on the pipe wall. The water purifier is only used to purify the water. If there is dirt problem in the water pipe, it is a threat to health.


According to statistics, only 2% of the water is consumed for drinking and another 98% is used for bathing, cooking, brushing teeth and washing vegetables. If the dirt on the pipe wall is not cleaned, it will directly endanger the health of the family.


The World Health Organization (WHO) survey shows that:

80% of the world's diseases and 50% of child deaths worldwide, both are related to poor drinking water quality. With the improvement of people's health awareness and the continuous pollution of the drinking water environment. Water pipe cleaning has become increasingly vital.

Refer to related link: 



Toxic metals such as bacteria, fungus, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead are accumulated over years.


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After >3 years of use


After 10 years of use


After 15 years of use


The inner wall of the water pipe began to corrode and began to have rust toxin.

The amount of dirt generated in the tube gradually becomes larger causing red brown rusted water.

The amount of dirt generated inside the tube is getting larger and larger, making the water pressure smaller.

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Kami adalah sebuah syarikat yang mempunyai pasukan profesional dalam bidang pembersihan saluran paip di Malaysia. Kami menggunakan teknologi terkini bagi membersihkan saluran paip air kediaman dan komersial. Teknologi kami telah diuji dan digunakan secara meluas di negara-negara luar seperti Jerman, Jepun, Taiwan dan kini di Malaysia.

Kebanyakan masyarakat mungkin tidak menyedari bahawa jangka hayat saluran paip air yang telah lama mungkin tersumbat dengan karat, logam berat seperti plumbum, arsenik, kadmiun, merkuri, alga, bakteria usus dan bakteria.

Pasukan profesional  kami memastikan anda sekeluarga dapat menggunakan air yang bersih setiap hari.


我们是马来西亚最好的家居专业团队,提供最新的、最好的、最符合需求的服务。每个人都需要一个乾淨的“避风港”,当你每天打扫家裡时,其实有很多是看不到、清洁不到的地方。“水”是我们每天都会接触的,但是您有想过不论装了淨水器或是滤芯,您家的水还是因为“水管”仍旧是肮髒的。让我们一起把您的“家”变得更好, 更健康、更安心、更开心。



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